Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Zoo Day!


We had our first trip of the year to the zoo today! Bethany and Bekah had a great time watching all of the animals. Their favorite was the sea lions. Check out a video here.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cutie Pie

Look at Rebekah's little headband! She thinks she so cute.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Daisy and Minnie


Papa and Grandma S. just got back from Florida, and brought our girls a couple hermit crabs! Bethany loves them and insists that they sleep in her room with her. She named her crab Daisy, and Rebekah's is Minnie. It's the first time my girls have pets, unless you count our 24 hour adventure with 15 fish...
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quote of the Day

Bethany (on our way home from Grandma's): Oh, no! I forgot to give Grandma a kiss.
Mommy: It's ok, you can give her one next time you see her.
Bethany: But she'll be sad!

We did let her call Grandma to tell her she loved her - that seemed to appease the situation without having to turn the car around. Bethany loves her Grandma!

Pre-School Preview

Bethany got to visit her school she will be going to in the fall! She saw her classroom and got to play with some really neat stuff.

Toothpaste Disasters

The other day while Bethany was "napping", she came out into the hallway and declared that she was "sticky". Assuming that couldn't mean anything good, Matt and I went over to find out that she had rubbed toothpaste into her hair like shampoo! Matt gave her a bath and explained that toothpaste doesn't go in your hair. Unfortunately, his explanation obviously did not hit home, because today, about half an hour into naptime, we heard a "sticky!". Poor Matt...

Uncle Mike & Aunt Mary's House

On Sunday we all went over to Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary's house. Bethany got to see a hermit crab and she sung her heart out with Guitar Hero! She just might turn out to be a rock star!

McDonald's Play Place

Bethany had a great time at the McDonald's Play Place on Sunday. She liked to call it the "Fun Place". (Lisa had a pretty good time, too!)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Playground Time

Playtime with Jonas

Bethany's "Nap Time"

This is what Bethany does during nap time!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Rebekah Can Stand!

Rebekah's way better than this now, but check out her standing abilities! And go see all the other fun videos A. Sarah just put up!


This is why we're thankful Bethany has some Brown genes, too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Visiting Great Grandma

What fun games you can play with placemats!

Playing Outside

Bethany and Rebekah were very happy to be able to play outside yesterday. Of course, it was super warm, and Bethany insisted on wearing her hat and gloves!

Cutie Pie

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Birthday Party!

Bethany went to her first birthday party today. It was a Mickey Mouse theme, which made her very excited. She loved using her Minnie napkin, and getting a Mickey sticker book. And she even got over her shyness to play with the kids. Happy birthday, Theo!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bekah Waves!