Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A day at the park

We spent the afternoon Saturday at the park, and I just wanted to show of a few pictures of my beautiful girls:

I apologize for the ridiculous face I'm making in this picture.

(Seriously, how old does Bethany look now? Yeesh.)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Post Party Crash

Like mother, like daughter.
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3 Years!

Bethany turned 3 years old today!! She had an awesome Ariel party - her favorite princess. She got lots of cool presents, and says that "Ariel" was her favorite. Not sure what that means because Ariel was on pretty much everything she got! I'm going to put all the photos on my facebook page, so check them out!

These 3 years could not have gone by faster. 3 years ago I could not have imagined the beautiful, smart, funny girl that I have now. God is good!
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Our Camera's Back!

We're so thankful to have our camera back! Here our some random pictures of this past week!
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nail polish or body paint? You decide.

You might have the idea that Bethany's "naps" often include various extracurricular activities and no actual napping. You might be right.

That's the face of a girl who knows she's in a bit of trouble. Very funny trouble.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bekah Videos!

Bekah can stand on her own and shake her head!

"The Pose"

Have you noticed that Bethany has a special pose every time she gets her picture taken now?