Thursday, May 13, 2010

Buffalo Buckeyes

We have BIG NEWS, to be delivered in two parts:

Part 1 - The Bad News: We've reached the end of this blog's lifespan.

Part 2 - The Good News: We're starting a new blog, Buffalo Buckeyes, to take the place of this blog. Head on over there, and prepare for more of what you've come to love, only MORE AWESOME.

Lisa and I will be posting pictures and updates, as usual, but we'll also be sending brief notes and pictures from our phones, so do subscribe to the new blog (via email or in a feed reader), bookmark the main page, and stay tuned!

(Note: The archives here will remain online, for those of you who are at all nostalgic.)

Friday, May 7, 2010

More Sisterly Love

The following exchange & the ensuing picture-taking took place last night.

Lisa: Matt, go upstairs and take a picture of Rebekah sleeping.
Me: Um, ok.

Here's attempt #1:


And here's the much more successful attempt #2:

sleeping sisters

And that's how they stayed until morning. Gotta love sisters who get along (most of the time, anyway!)

Cry, Eat, Repeat

As Bethany once said, sometimes it seems all babies do is cry & eat. Along those lines, here's a lovely before & after of sorts:



Porch Silliness

Bethany decided at some point that this is how she'd like to sit on the porch. Doesn't look terribly comfy to me, but hey, I'm not four years old.



The love of puzzles is something Bethany comes by naturally (from her mother), and she always manages to amaze us with how fast she puts them together!


Sick Days

Rebekah got sick Sunday, and she didn't really feel like her old self until midweek. Here are a couple shots that are fairly representative of her Sunday night/Monday:



She was a trooper, but man, she did not look like she was having a good time. Naturally, we're glad to have her cheerful self back again!

Good times at Trinity

Bethany's pre-school held a fundraising auction last weekend, and a good time was had by all:

Bethany & Rebekah did some coloring,


Abby hung out with Great Grandma,


And afterward, we spent some time on the playground:



Lovin' on Abby

In case you were unsure, Bethany LOVES Abby.


You be the judge

Sometimes, it's hard to decide if Abby is expressionless or slightly startled. Just sayin'.



This is a pretty representative sample of what it's like when the play-doh comes out in our house:


Playing with Dice

I made some origami dice the other day, and Beth & Jonas had a good time with them (Bekah mostly destroyed them, which is why she doesn't have one in the pictures below). Not sure why they all decided to close their eyes for the pictures...




...but maybe it has something to do with the impish looks on their faces:


"Who, us?"