Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Been Tagged

My buddy, Mike, tagged me for this a while ago... I've been meaning to do it, and am finally getting around to it!

5 Things we're thankful for:
1. Bethany - Having her cousin, Jonas, around every day to play with.
2. Rebekah - Having a big sister that cracks her up pretty regularly.
3. Bethany - Taggies, taggies, and more taggies.
4. Rebekah - The swaddle blanket she NEEDS to go to sleep.
5. Me - Having 2 sweet girls that bring their parents a lot of joy!

7 Things about us:
1. Bethany - When she sucks her 2 middle fingers, it's ALWAYS with her left hand, to the point that she's developed calluses on her fingers.
2. Rebekah - She's gotten so used to her feedings being interrupted (due to the toddlers) that now she interrupts them herself to look around and see what everyone is doing.
3. Bethany - She has weird phobias of dogs, darkness, spiders (my mom's Halloween spider on her porch), and moving vehicles when she's walking across the parking lot or street (if she sees a car, she needs to be carried).
4. Rebekah - She's a finger sucker like her sister, but is settling on sucking her first 2 right fingers. We'll see if that lasts!
5. Bethany - She's had her daddy put her to bed almost every single night for her entire life.
6. Rebekah - She prefers to see everyone. Ideally, she wants to be held facing outward, or laying on her stomach with her head up. Usually, if she's somewhere she can't see you, she's crying.
7. Me - To me, Rebekah doesn't look alive when she's sleeping. I've woken her up I don't know how many times because she looked dead to me. However, I don't remember ever being worried about that with Bethany.

There you go! All my known bloggers have already been tagged... so the road stops here.

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