Monday, October 29, 2007

Trunk or Treat!

On Sunday Bethany got to go Trick or Treating! Trinity had an event called "Trunk or Treat" where the kids could walk around the parking lot and collect candy from all the cars. Bethany was a natural trick-or-treater. She grabbed as much candy as she could and stashed it in her pumpkin!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Coming to America!

Bethany is very excited because Joey finally comes home today! She won't get to see him because he gets in past her bed time, but soon enough! Welcome home, Joey, can't wait to meet you!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Give Us a Kiss

Bethany loves her daddy tons and tons.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Here's a fun video that demonstrates Bethany's new found ability to count, as well as what a wacko she is!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Loving Thursday

We are so happy this week is coming to a close. Today I was a witness in the bank robbers trial, and I am done! No more sitting around in courthouse waiting rooms for hours on end with 2 antsy babies (who were surprisingly well behaved). No more stressing out over subpoenas. No more dealing with Mommy's dumb bank robberies period! My bank robbery baby is a bank robbery baby no longer!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

Bethany experienced something new this past weekend. Pumpkins! After lots of coaxing, I convinced her to help me clean it out. The gook wasn't so bad after all.

Friday, October 12, 2007

just figuring out how to do this little "blogging" thing

This "blogging" thing is taking the world over by storm. So i decided i would see what its all about. This is a cute pic of Bethany taking over Jonas' birthday gift.

Basket Case

I love my little basket case!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jonas!!

Yesterday was Jonas's birthday party! What a cutie he is, and walking just in time to celebrate! Bethany helped him open all his presents. As in, she grabbed everything out of the boxes for him and threw it all over the livingroom. She also showed him how to play with all his new toys. Poor Jonas didn't get too much playing time. Check out the totally awesome Tonka truck we got him. Made with real steel!! And big enough to wheel the cutest toddler ever around! Happy birthday, Jonas. We love you very, very much!

Go Black Bears!

Goodness, it's about time for an update! Last weekend we went down to Coshocton to finally catch one of the triplets' football games. And they won! We were so excited. We spent the rest of the weekend in Coshocton with Grandma and Grandpa and G.G. Faye. We got to go to the Coshocton County Fair, and Bethany loved seeing all the animals. We attempted the carousel again, but did not enjoy that. Ah well.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Queen of the Castle

Just me goofing off on a newly discovered website.