We have power! After an insane 48 hours, I'm back to recap. We got home Thurs night, as you know, in a
ridiculous snow storm. Matthew woke up the next morning, attempted to go to work, and was back in the apartment 5 minutes later scaring the heck out of me. We hung out in our bed under the covers, in no power, trying to keep warm, and eventually headed over to my parents' house (where we took these pictures) to take advantage of their gas stove and fireplace. We slept over, bundled in sleeping bags, and woke up to STILL no power. But, my sister Sarah had power, so we headed back over to her place for the day. We just got home not too long ago, and are very thankful to be warm, having light, and all our small forms of media.
Thank you, electric company... you definitely had your work cut out for you!
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