Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dancing... Again!

Bethany really enjoyed the music at Community Days!

Community Days

Today ended up being a beautiful day, and we headed over to see the town parade with A.Sarah, Jonas, and some friends from church. Bekah, as you can guess, slept through it, but Bethany got really into all the bands. She also got half of a Butterfinger, which she thought was very cool. After the parade, the kids braved a few rides. Bethers loved the cars and was very serious abourt her steering. I have such a big girl - going on rides by herself!

Starter Smiles

Rebekah's getting really close to smiling on cue. I'm sure we'll be seeing lots soon! (Matt would like me to point out that he's not actually holding her upside down in the picture.)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Even when Rebekah's crying she's adorable.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

String Art

Today we experimented with leftover latchhook yarn. Bethany has been very into gluing lately and dove right in.


Bethany's all kinds of cool.


It's amazing how God works things out. I just have to share this, although it isn't directly related to the goings-on in my girls' lives. A couple weeks ago I received an email from a small accounting firm telling me they got my name from UB and wondered if I'd be interested in interviewing. I did, and was called back for a second interview. At the second interview, I was told I'd be offered the job!

That in itself is pretty amazing, but later it came out that one of the people I put as a reference was a good business client of the company and friends with one of the partners. I'm sure his recommendation helped! And, to top it off, the company readily agreed to my ideal only working Mondays and Thursdays until fall. Yay!! Now I can still have my summer with the girls, and Matt and I can start making ends meet again. So, baring some unforeseen circumstance, I will very soon be employed!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1 Part 4

Mommy didn't think it was right leaving the campground without trying the really cool playground, so we headed there before leaving on Sunday. I can't wait to be as big as Bethany!

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1 Part 3

Saturday afternoon we had a huge thunderstorm! We ended up in the tent for over 2 hours, and watched a movie on A.Mary's little dvd player. When we were brave enough to go outside we saw a huge puddle all around our fire pit. It didn't take long for us to realize our nice chicken dinner wasn't going to happen. I didn't mind - I can't eat the stuff anyway.
Not only did the ground get wet, my carseat got soaked! I had to sit on a towel while everyone went to Burger King for dinner and my bottom still got wet. Good thing Mommy packed me lots of outfits.

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1 Part 2

Saturday morning we decided to hike the Gorge Trail. My mom and dad forgot to bring my backpack! They still braved taking me though, and I got to be nice and cradled the entire time.
Bethany hung out with Jonas a lot, and they walked almost the whole way! I was a little jealous, but then decided I was plenty comfy where I was.

(Bethany thought Daddy was pretty comfy, too.)

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1 Part 1

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1
by Rebekah Lafferty

My crazy family decided to take all us kids camping to Watkins Glen for the weekend. Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary were there, and so were Aunt Sarah and Jonas. Poor Mommy and A.Sarah had to set up 3 tents all by themselves in the rain! They looked pretty funny running around like maniacs, and as soon as they finished it stopped raining. But my sister, Bethany, still thought it was pretty impressive, and we got right down to some serious camping.

By the time we got the fire going it was pretty late. Uncle Mike just could not get it started! When he got out the lantern to use as our "fire" we couldn't help but tease him a little bit. Luckily, my daddy got it started and saved the day. (Or night.)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Butterfly Girls

Tonight was a crafting night for U. Mike and A. Mary's wedding. So I dressed the girls in their pjs to head over to Grandma and Grandpa's. Look how cute they are together! I love it when Bekah's wide awake. And I can already tell that she's going to be giving her big sister lots of smiles - she just loves watching her.

PS. I got a 2nd interview for Monday! Keep the prayers coming!

Piano Time

Bethany and Jonas enjoyed their time on the piano today. We may have a couple little Chopins on our hands.

Weekend Double Feature

Bethany takes the tire swing for a spin...

And learns, "One, Two, Buckle my Shoe"!


This morning I went on my very first interview, beginning my job hunt for fall. I interviewed at Clark & Koller, CPAs, a nice small accounting firm close to our home. Pray that God will do as He will - it would be a nice place to work!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Head of Hair

I know this is a ridiculous picture to post, but look at all Rebekah's hair. Seriously, that's not bad for only 4 weeks old!

Tissue Paper Fun

Bethany had fun with glue and tissue paper today. She was very pleased with the results!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fana Update

Grandma Miriam gave us all this fabric for the Fana babies. Yay! We're so excited to make fun quilties out of them. If you're interested in picking out some fabric for the babies, quilt bundles are $8.99 at Joann's. (60% of that if you have a coupon!) Or, better yet, if you have fabric scraps lying around, we could use them. The quilted square is only 12"x12", so it doesn't take much! We'd love to make some bundles or scraps into quilties for you and send them on down to Columbia!

We also bought some (pretty hideous) heart fleece to fill the quilties. We can officially say they are stuffed with love!

Happy Father's Day

A belated happy Father's Day to you all! My girls are so blessed to have a daddy as amazing as Matthew. I've never met a man so happily involved with his kids... who's willing to change diapers, be kept awake at night, and have plenty of time playing on the floor. Bethany and Rebekah would say "you're the best" if they could. We love you, Daddy!


All that outdoors really tired poor Rebekah out! Until about 11:00 that is...

Rose Festival

All that was not quite enough outdoors, so we headed to the Rose Festival in the evening. Bethany steered us around the park, Bekah slept, and we all enjoyed cooling down by the fountain.

35 Years

Saturday was also the 35th wedding anniversary of our friends, Kermit and Kathy. Their son, Kevin, grew up with Matthew. (He's the one in the picture.) It was fun catching up with people from Matthew's former church, including the mother of Bethany's namesake! For those who don't already know, Bethany was named after one of Matt's friends, Bethany, who died several years ago. She meant a lot to Matt, and we wanted to honor her!


On the spur of the moment, our family took a trip to Columbus this weekend. Despite the last minute decision, we had a very busy weekend. Saturday we went to the park for a picnic lunch. How could we not when every 10 minutes Bethany asked, "Park?" And once again, Bekah slept through it.

Purses Galore

Bethany is a big fan of purses!

Friday, June 13, 2008

4 weeks

Rebekah is already 4 weeks old! She had a visit to the doctor yesterday, and all is well. She's 9 pounds, 2 ounces, and 21.75 inches long. The doctor said her eyes aren't going to change color anymore, which means they're a beautiful dark gray. And we're banking on some smiles in the very near future!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Letterboxing Adventures

I love letterboxing because it takes our family on so many adventures. Tonight we went to Margaret Louise Park and enjoyed a picnic dinner and some hiking. The park is part of the state's wetlands, and I'm pretty sure it's the first time either of my girls have been to a swamp. Bethany saw some fun wildlife too, including a turtle, ducks, and snakes (one of which was really huge and startled Daddy a bit). I'm not sure Bekah ever knew she was hiking... but she got a good nap being snuggled into Mommy the whole time. We had so much fun, but will make next time not to go out in the evening when the bugs are in full force!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Quilties for Fana

I know these aren't quite done yet (they need the tags!), but I just had to share them. Matthew and I are working on whipping up a bunch of quilties for the Fana babies, in honor of our cousin, Joey. I dream of every little Fana baby owning one of these... of course, goodness knows how many Fana babies there are! Want to help? Sponsor a quiltie or two! (The expense of making them is going to be the hardest part for us.) It costs about $12 for 3 quilties, and every quiltie is completely unique, as you can see in the picture. Email me at if you're interested in sponsoring a quiltie.

All Dressed Up

This was a wedding shower weekend, so we took advantage of all us girls looking nice and took a few photos. No Matt in the pictures... he didn't look good enough! Notice Bethany ponytail? That took 20 minutes to do, and 10 minutes of saying, "no, don't touch that." These weddings are going to be interesting this summer!

Hot and Sticky

My girls have been braving the heat this week!! Lots of baths, nakedness, and popsicles! (Ok, no popsicles for Bekah, only Bethany.)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Let's Go Bisons!

Rebekah went to her first ball game last night. Of course, we were down 5-0 at the top of the 9th and decided to leave early... Buffalo ended up winning 8-7. Guess we should have stayed!


Great Gram came over to visit on Monday... look at all the cuddle time she got!


Swimming really tires you out!