Thursday, April 8, 2010

Awesome April Day 1

After a mini emotional breakdown last night at the thought of having to return to work on Monday, I declared this "Awesome April." (Never mind the first 6 days.) Every day, we're going to make a serious effort to have fun with whatever time we have together. Meaning no ignoring the kids while we play on the computer or do chores - that can wait for nap time. And no just sitting around because we can't think of anything better to do. Because quality time can make up for lack of quantity time, right?

Today was pretty gross out, but that didn't stop us. We:
1. Had craft time! Started as a simple gluing project, ended with me trying to draw seals, elephants, and lions in glue, and glitter everywhere. I'm seriously not as artsy as I wish I was.




2. Had puzzle time! We put together the puzzles the girls got for Easter. They were very proud of themselves for finishing the 63 piece Tinkerbell puzzle.


3. Played "Duck, Duck, Goose." Not a lot of room, but the kids are really good at that game! And the circle in our house makes for more interesting chasing.

4. Had a "mini" lunch. We ate mini hotdogs on Bethany's Ariel teaset. The kids thought they were so funny having to poor tons of refills of their milk.


5. Went to the library. Bethany and Daddy picked out some fun books there (because Jesus Junction was cancelled), while Rebekah and I read books at home (because we were down a carseat).

6. Had a bath.

I think that's it. What a list! Now I need to go to bed so I'm conscious for Awesome April Day 2.

~ Lisa

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