Sunday, June 22, 2008

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1 Part 1

Camping Misadventures, Episode 1
by Rebekah Lafferty

My crazy family decided to take all us kids camping to Watkins Glen for the weekend. Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary were there, and so were Aunt Sarah and Jonas. Poor Mommy and A.Sarah had to set up 3 tents all by themselves in the rain! They looked pretty funny running around like maniacs, and as soon as they finished it stopped raining. But my sister, Bethany, still thought it was pretty impressive, and we got right down to some serious camping.

By the time we got the fire going it was pretty late. Uncle Mike just could not get it started! When he got out the lantern to use as our "fire" we couldn't help but tease him a little bit. Luckily, my daddy got it started and saved the day. (Or night.)

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